Saturday, April 11, 2009

The ANNOUNCEMENT from Mr Lucas =)

Sat, Apr 11, 2009 -- 0903AL-CHEMT0688: Extra Class Venue

Dear 0903PM10s,

Please come to yellow staffroom to check for the venue of our class on the 13/4/09. I'll paste a paper on the door indicating the classroom that you are suppose to go to. Don't be late. Class starts at 10am.

Please bring along all your chapter 2 tutorials that we haven't discuss.

See you.

Mr. Lucas.

But who will going college early that day?? inform me can? I might go early. =D


  1. please la, who will go that early>???
    anyone actually cn do all those question in the tutorials???

  2. aiks.... Woaliao... where's the yellow room. I'm so sesat man :S
