Saturday, May 8, 2010

Because We're Awesome Like That.

Greetings and salutations, one and all!
This is probably my 2nd and last offering to this blog since, err, college is sorta kinda over.

As we all know full well, the exams are drawing closer and at this point of time, the stress really is surmounting to a climax! (Yeah, yeah, I know, "Why is Hannah ranting about the exams on the class blog, when we already hear about day in, day out! As if the constant reminders from our lecturers, peers and parents aren't enough! Stupid girl.)

The point I simply want to make is this: Throughout this course we've been driven towards achieving the goal of (God-willing) straight A's! The spectacular row of good grades will look stellar on our transcripts! We can be anyone, anywhere, doing anything! The sky is the limit! Not to mention the impressive pay. Yada, yada, you get the idea of the kind of propaganda that's been planted in our minds, souls and beings.

But in the Christian faith, success, achievements and grades cannot be the ultimate measure of who you are as a person. But rather, it's the character you sow, through your actions, thoughts, values you instill and most importantly, your faith in God.

No, I am not telling you to throw your books into oblivion and start frolicking in the fields. What I'm saying is: Work. Work hard. Try your best, to steer clear from regret. Yet, as we head towards the final preparations of the exams, please remember that who you are isn't determined by how well you have done. And really, it's not the end of the world even if you do not-so-well. (Which probably means one B and three A's by PM10 standards)

In all honesty, you guys are the most sincere, warm, gila babi smart people I've ever met. It's been an honour.


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